Phobia hindi movie genres
Phobia hindi movie genres

Kripalani made a name for himself with the psycho-horror Ragini MMS and he remains true to the elements of the genre. How she fluctuates between the real and the imaginary and how she conquers her phobia forms the crux of the story… It doesn’t help when she finds out that the airhostess’ architect boyfriend living next door has anger issues. She begins having visions about the airhostess. There, she finds a diary belonging to the earlier tenant, an airhostess, who has mysteriously gone missing. A family friend, Satyadeep Mishra, suggests that perhaps Mehak would be better off facing her phobia alone and shifts her to another flat. Now, she can’t get herself to even cross the front door of her house, much to the chagrin of her elder sister played by Nivedita Bhattacharya, a single mother whose young son is traumatised by this change in his aunt.

phobia hindi movie genres


Radhika Apte plays Mehak, a reclusive artist whose agoraphobia is triggered when she’s molested by a taxi driver one lonely night. Director Pawan Kripalani has taken the template of Repulsion and woven a film about a woman suffering from agoraphobia who begins to hallucinate about a murder she believes happened in the rented house that she’s newly settled in. You watch in horrid fascination as the actor’s mental equilibrium disintegrates when she suffers one hallucination after another. It was Catherine’s supremely sublime acting that drew the audiences then and manages to draw you in still.

phobia hindi movie genres

Apart from Polanski’s masterful direction, it also rested on the shoulders of its lead actor Catherine Deneuve. Some critics have even called it his finest film. It was only his second feature film and went a long way towards cementing his reputation as an avant-garde filmmaker. Repulsion (1965) was director Roman Polanski’s highly acclaimed psychological thriller. Cast: Radhika Apte, Satyadeep Mishra, Nivedita Bhattacharya, Ankur Vikal and Yashaswini Dayama

Phobia hindi movie genres